Can’t connect to MySQL server on localhost
In mysql, Can’t connect to MySQL server on localhost error occurs when mysql is unable to connect to localhost due to the connection issue with mysql or a database configuration…
In mysql, Can’t connect to MySQL server on localhost error occurs when mysql is unable to connect to localhost due to the connection issue with mysql or a database configuration…
In mysql, Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’ error is due to the root user not having sufficient privilege to access the database. Either the root user password is incorrect, or…
ORA-12541: TNS:no listener error occurs when the listener for the requested resource is not started or configured incorrectly. The error happens if the listener is down when it tries to…
ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied error occurs when an invalid username or password was submitted in an attempt to connect on to Oracle. The ORACLE username and password should be…
Date Format defines how the dates display. Oracle database allows to change the date format using to_char and to_date functions. The date format specifies the format of the date to…
PLS-00363: expression cannot be used as an assignment target error occurs when it identifies an incorrect argument type in a stored procedure or function call’s parameter list. The IN parameter…
Wrong number or types of arguments in call to Stored Procedure error occurs when the identified subprogram call cannot be matched to any declaration for that subprogram name. The name…
PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to ‘PUT_LINE’ error occurs when the dbms_output.put_line stored procedure call cannot be matched to any declaration for that dbms_output.put_line(). The name…
You may return multiple output parameters from a stored procedure by using the OUT parameter when creating an Oracle stored procedure. A stored procedure might have a number of OUT parameters.…
The ORA-00905: missing keyword error occurs when the Oracle parser expects a keyword in the sql query but it is missing. The error is displayed to signify a malformed statement,…
ORA-00904: : invalid identifier error occurs when an invalid column name is used to refer a column in a table. The column name should follow the naming conventions. A valid…
ORA-00902: incorrect datatype error occurs when a column is declared with an invalid data type that Oracle does not support. when creating a table, altering a table, or declaring a…
ORA-00903: invalid table name error occurs when the table name used to refer to a table in the sql query is invalid or does not exist in the Oracle database.…
The ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expected error occurs when the FROM keyword is missing, misspelled, or misplaced in the Oracle SQL statement such as select or delete. The…
The ORA-01756: quoted string not correctly terminated issue occurs when one of the surrounding single quotes in the character, string, or date value is missing. In Oracle, the string value,…
ORA-00984: column not allowed here error that occurs when you try to use a column that is not allowed in a particular area of the sql. The ORA 00984: column…
ORA-00947: not enough values error occurs when fewer column values are entered in the VALUES or SELECT clause than are required in the insert statement. If you attempt to run…
SQL Error: ORA-00913: too many values issue appears when you enter more column values in the VALUES / SELECT clauses than the number of columns required in the insert statement.…
ORA-14300: partitioning key maps to a partition outside maximum permitted number of partitions error occurs when the partition key value is null or outside of the maximum allowable value in…
There are two approaches to limit the number of rows returned by an Oracle query. Using the rownum value to limit the number of rows, as well as the OFFSET…