Spring Boot is a popular framework for building Java-based web applications. One of the key features of Spring Boot is its ability to automatically configure various settings based on the dependencies included in the project. However, sometimes you may need to manually configure certain aspects of your application. One such aspect is the context path, which is the base URL path that your application is served on. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to configure the context path in a Spring Boot application.

Configure in application.properties or application.yml file

The context path can be set in a number of ways, but the most common method is to use the server.servlet.context-path property in the application.properties or application.yml file. This file is located in the src/main/resources folder of your project. If you don’t have this file, you can create it.

To set the context path, simply add the following line to the file:


Make sure to replace “mycontextpath” with the actual context path you want to use.

Configure context path programmatically

You can also set the context path programmatically by using the ServletWebServerFactoryCustomizer interface. To do this, create a new class that implements the interface and override the customize method. In the method, set the context path using the setContextPath method of the ConfigurableServletWebServerFactory class.

public class ContextPathCustomizer implements ServletWebServerFactoryCustomizer<ConfigurableServletWebServerFactory> {
    public void customize(ConfigurableServletWebServerFactory factory) {

Once you have configured the context path, you can test it by running your application and navigating to the URL http://localhost:8080/mycontextpath. You should see the welcome page of your application.

Configure using server.contextPath property

Another way to configure the context path in a Spring Boot application is by using the server.contextPath property in the application.properties or application.yml file. This property works in the same way as the server.servlet.context-path property and allows you to set the context path for your application.


You can also configure the context path by using command line arguments when starting the application. For example, if you want to set the context path to /mycontextpath, you can start the application with the following command:

java -jar myapp.jar --server.contextPath=/mycontextpath

Configure using environment variables

Another way to configure the context path is by using environment variables. You can set the SERVER_CONTEXT_PATH environment variable to the desired context path before starting the application.

export SERVER_CONTEXT_PATH=/mycontextpath
java -jar myapp.jar

It’s important to note that the context path should start with a forward slash / and should not include any spaces or special characters. Also, you should consider the context path when designing your application’s URLs and routes.

Security implications of configuring the context path

In addition to this, you should also consider the security implications of configuring the context path for your application. A context path that is easy to guess or that does not provide enough protection can expose your application to security risks. It is recommended to use a context path that is hard to guess and to enable security features such as authentication and authorization to protect your application from unauthorized access.

Overall, configuring the context path in a Spring Boot application is a simple and important step to take. There are several ways to do it, from using properties files to command line arguments and environment variables. By properly configuring the context path, you can ensure that your application is served on the desired URL path and that it is protected from security risks.


In conclusion, configuring the context path in a Spring Boot application is a simple process that can be done using the server.servlet.context-path property in the application.properties or application.yml file, or programmatically by using the ServletWebServerFactoryCustomizer interface. It’s an important step to take if you want to serve your application on a specific URL path.

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