Format specifiers in C informs the compiler about the data type of a variable when reading inputs with scanf() function and printing output with printf() function. The format specifiers in C with range determine the data type of a variable in input and output operations. For example, the format specifier for string in C is defined using %s a sequence of characters.The long int format specifier in C uses %ld while int format specifier uses %d.

The format specifier in C can be used by the compiler to determine what type of data is in a variable when using the scanf() and printf() functions to read and print data in the console. In C, the format specifiers for char use the character’s’ in a variety of formats.

Format Specifiers in C

This format specifier is used for input and output operations such as printf, scanf, fprintf, fscanf. The first argument of the printf and scanf helps you to define the format specifiers such as %s,%d and so on, in addition to constant characters. The first argument will be printed exactly as defined in the printf function. The variable or value is defined in the second and subsequent arguments.

Syntax of the command

printf(const char *format, arg1, arg2, …)
scanf(const char *format, arg1, arg2, …)
fprintf(FILE *fptr, const char *format, arg1, arg2, …)
fscanf(FILE *fptr, const char *format, arg1, arg2, …)


#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
	int a = 16;
	printf("int value : %d\n", a); 
	printf("oct value : %o\n", a); 
	printf("hex value : %x\n", a); 
	return 0;


int value : 16
oct value : 20
hex value : 10

Format Specifiers format

Format Specifier often starts with percentage (%) and followed by one or two special characters informing about the data type of the data. Additional characters are used to construct a printing format along with format specifier.

The optional characters are minus(-), dot (.) and number.

  • A number defines the minimum data width. If the number of characters is less than the number specified, the format specifier prefixes the space. If the number of characters is lower, it will print as it is.
  • A minus(-) symbol shows the left data alignment
  • A dot(.) represents the precision of the decimal values. If it is a string, the number of the character to be written.

String, Char Format Specifiers in C

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
	char s[] = "YawinTutor"; 
	printf("value actual                : [%s]\n", s); 
	printf("value with number           : [%15s]\n", s); 
	printf("value with minus+number     : [%-15s]\n", s); 
	printf("value with number+dot       : [%15.5s]\n", s); 
	printf("value with minus+number+dot : [%-15.5s]\n", s); 

	printf("value with dot              : [%.5s]\n", s); 
	printf("value with minus            : [%-s]\n", s); 
	printf("value with minus+dot        : [%-.5s]\n", s); 
	return 0;


value actual                : [YawinTutor]
value with number           : [     YawinTutor]
value with minus+number     : [YawinTutor     ]
value with number+dot       : [          Yawin]
value with minus+number+dot : [Yawin          ]
value with dot              : [Yawin]
value with minus            : [YawinTutor]
value with minus+dot        : [Yawin]

Float Number Format Specifier in C

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
	float f = 12345.67891; 
	printf("value actual                : [%f]\n", f); 
	printf("value with number           : [%15f]\n", f); 
	printf("value with minus+number     : [%-15f]\n", f); 
	printf("value with number+dot       : [%15.2f]\n", f); 
	printf("value with minus+number+dot : [%-15.2f]\n", f); 

	printf("value with dot              : [%.2f]\n", f); 
	printf("value with minus            : [%-f]\n", f); 
	printf("value with minus+dot        : [%-.2f]\n", f); 
	return 0;


value actual                : [12345.678711]
value with number           : [   12345.678711]
value with minus+number     : [12345.678711   ]
value with number+dot       : [       12345.68]
value with minus+number+dot : [12345.68       ]
value with dot              : [12345.68]
value with minus            : [12345.678711]
value with minus+dot        : [12345.68]

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