ConditionalOnClass found required class

If auto configuration is enabled in spring boot application and the ConditionalOnClass property is modified, the dependent class shows in auto configuration reportAuto Configuration ReportNegative matches: JpaBaseConfiguration.JpaWebConfiguration: Did not match:…

Spring Boot Port Configuration: Tips and Tricks

Spring Boot is a popular framework for developing Java-based applications, and it offers a lot of flexibility when it comes to configuring the various components of your application. One of…

How to Log SQL Statements in Spring Boot

Spring Boot is a popular framework for building Java-based applications. One of the features it provides is the ability to easily configure and manage a variety of data sources. However,…

Running code after Spring Boot starts

Running code after Spring Boot starts is a common requirement for many applications. Spring Boot provides several ways to accomplish this, each with their own use cases and benefits. In…

Create a Custom Endpoint in Spring Boot Actuator

Spring boot actuator can be used to monitor and manage the spring boot application. The predefined spring boot actuator endpoints provide a ready-to-use monitoring and management solution for the application.…